Prisoner's Dilemma Administration: Edit your Dilemma
Prisoner's Dilemma Administration: Edit your Dilemma
This option is available to authenticated/logged in users via the GTT menu bar once an existing dilemma has been selected for viewing. The EDIT option will appear in the top line of the report (listing the dilemma name and #)
Fields which may be updated by the EDIT command
- Dilemma name, description, status and comment.
- The point values for each round of the dilemma, including Team 1 vs Team 2 behaviours
- The Status and comment fields for each round. Note: Changing status has no affect at this time and is left as a future enhancement opportunity.
- The choices made by teams as shown in the Transaction Table.
- The Status and comment fields for team activity entry. Note: Changing status has no affect at this time and is left as a future enhancement opportunity.
Fields which may NOT be modified by the EDIT command
- Number of rounds. This field is not changeable after the dilemma has been created. If you need to change the number of rounds, create a new dilemma.
- Number of teams. This field is not changeable after the dilemma has been created. If you need to change the number of rounds, create a new dilemma. For bulk updates or data transfers, please contact your DCRE Representative.
- Admin user ID - This UID is assigned when your account is created and cannot be changed. For more information, please contact your DCRE Representative.
- Admin email - This field cannot be changed within the GTT menu. However, you can update this field using the "My account" link after you have logged into the main website.
- Within the Point value table, the point entry #, Caper # and Round #s are not available to be modified. They are used for internal tracking only.
- Within the Transaction table, the transaction entry #, Caper # and Round #s, Team assignment and Team side values are not available to be modified. They are used for internal tracking only.